Saturday, August 2, 2008

Planning to Plan

It's August 2nd and I have not received my college schedule. The coordinator sent us an email stating the system that schedules the games either was not working or had inaccurate information.

The email was broken out by position and it looks like eight of the Umpires are not available most of the weeks. We have twenty-two Umpires and sixteen games per week, so this should mean I'll get a full schedule this season. Last season I worked eight out of twelve games... which wasn't bad for a Candidate.

It also appears from the what he sent that many of my fellow officials are also working other conferences. This is good news. During our clinics, camps, and other meetings, we are repeatedly told the CCFOA is good recruiting ground for the other conferences. The fact there are scheduling conflicts confirms this is true.

Monday night beings my high school football meetings. I really hate going to these meetings. They are not well run and a lot of time is wasted. Plus there are ten meetings this year. I'm already going to miss one meeting because I have to travel for work.

I understand we need a certian amount of training ohurs each season to qualify... fine, but could we either make the meetings longer, so there are fewer of them, or just get them all over with in one week? I don't mind putting the time to study and prepare. Hell, I'm doing football all year now and constantly study, but I can't promise I will make ten Monday nights in a row.

My business trip will be later this month and will conflict with a meeting on 8/26. I'm sure this will be 'mandatory' meeting where we turn in our tests and if I don't attend I won't get playoff games again.

On another note, I made a request to the HS coordinator that I'd like to be considered for the next Varsity White Hat position. There are two White Hats that will retire very soon and three of the existing White Hats have stated I'm ready.

The coordinator has not replied.

Pigskinref Status Report