Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Semi-Pro Update

This Minor League Football opportunity I mentioned last post has turned into something very real and very interesting. I'm actually very excited about the season. This is partially due to the fact that the gentleman who runs the Community College association has endorsed the Football Officials of America (FOA). This speaks highly of the FOA.

This Saturday the FOA is conducting a day long clinic with both classroom discussions and field work. Our field work will be filmed and evaluated. This is very welcomed and brings a lot of legitimacy to the FOA.

My first exposure to Minor League Football was a game last April. The caliber of the play was decent I suppose, but what really struck me was the amount of passion in the play. These guys love this game and play with heart. This is something I rarely see in High School and never see at the Community College level.

Regarding the Community College, I received the official,"your in" contract from the association. I still have to meet all the requirements to be assigned games, but at least this means I no longer have a label of Prospect or Candidate.

What are the Requirements?
> Attend summer study meetings
> Attend the training clinic
> Get at least 80% on the test
> Attend preseason scrimmages
> Get your doctor to sign off on a physical
> Pay your annual dues

And study like hell during off season.

I'll let you know how the FOA clinic goes on Saturday.

Pigskinref Status Report