Sorry for the delays with the game reports. I became a statistic and received a pink slip at my day job. I've been a bit preoccupied.
The game this week, I am pleased to announce, was actually a good game to work. Two team played, one team won, nobody was hurt, and those who still have jobs went to work on Monday.
The fouls were evenly split between the two teams with twenty-two penalties in total. Average for these games, although we did have more Interference fouls than normal.
Yes, there were crybabies... or stated another way... participants with concerns regarding my propensity to call fouls against their opponent... but, this bullshit (sorry, misplaced distress) goes without saying. And indeed, the perpetual schoolboy declarations of "my daddy can kick your daddy's butt" was ever present. But, this is part of the game, and none of it got out of control.
The game play was pretty evenly matched during the first half. The Barnstormers finally took control during the second half. They appeared to be younger players in better condition.
Nothing interesting from an officiating point of view occurred. Next week I work a semi-pro game that is not NCFL. Let's see if there is a difference in game play between these two leagues.