Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day Jobs and Scrimmages

I missed the second controlled scrimmage on Thursday because of a crisis at work. My boss was on vacation and it was just one of those things I could not pawn off on any of my employees. I had to involve Sr. Management and the corrective action impacted about 40 people who had to work through the night until about 4:00AM. Not the ideal time to say I need to go a scrimmage -- see ya!

This really sucked, because I needed to get back on the horse after the crap-fest scrimmage on Tuesday. So many things I need to work on so they become more ingrained. Oh, well. The more I work this level the more I realize I don't know crap. Everyone told me this would happen, but you know, this would never happen to me!! I'm starting to get nervous.

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