Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We Are Musing Officially

According to Google Analytics, there have been 76 visitors to the blog and 27 of you have returned more than once. For such a niche topic this encourages me to continue. I appreciate you taking the time out your busy day to read along. I'd enjoy hearing from you, so send me an email at

If you have been reading along you'll notice I have been all over the place with topics related to American Football officiating. Or maybe my writing is so riviting you didn't even notice.

Scrimmages start this week, so I will have plenty of content for the COAR blog. But I also have a boatload of things to discuss that are not specifically related to my ambition to become an "official" NCAA official. This is why I am creating a second blog named "We Are Musing Officially". (WAMO)

In WAMO, the entries will be more like This was by far the most popular blog entry to date and it had nothing to do with COAR.

I haven't even mentioned the NBA Ref scandal because this didn't belong in COAR. But it will in WAMO.

Give me a few days to get this going. If you have any official ideas requiring musing, drop me a line. We'll stir the pot and see what happens.

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