The Minor League Football (or Semi-Pro Football) season begins on March 14th and I'm getting impatient . (See The anticipation of getting back on the field is odd and hard to describe. What kind of person really looks forward to spending the bulk a Saturday running around, getting yelled at by coaches and cry-baby players? The feeling of anticpation is like looking forward to seeing an old friend you have not seen in years. Or when you were a kid two days before Christmas. Whatever that word is, that's the feeling. Let's get this thing started already.
Next Saturday we are supposed to have an officials clinic somewhere in the Bay area. What happens at a clinic? Generally, we go over league rules, how we plan on officiating the games, what the coaches want to see from us, what the league commissioner expects from us, and maybe a speaker from the NFL or NCAA D1. Then we do some field work and get to see some snaps. It's usually a long day and most of the information is useful.
I'll know more next week.